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Managed accounts for manager
How to delete your Managed Account and where can it be seen after liquidation?
How can I change the trading password and the investor’s password for a Managed Account?
What is Multi-MA and how can it be created?
Selection of Managers: how to become an authorized manager?
What is the frequency of settlements between the manager, investor and agent?
What is the agent’s performance fee and who sets it?
What does “manager’s capital” mean? What does the amount consist of?
Can I invest in my own managed account? Will I have to pay myself a performance fee?
What is “manager’s performance fee”? What performance fee can a manager set?
Are there any restrictions on depositing and withdrawing funds from a Managed Account?
How to limit the risk of trading losses on Managed Accounts?
When creating a Managed account, is it mandatory to set the parameter "maximum losses per week"?
How many managed accounts can I create?
How to open the receipt of investments?
What is the default leverage when creating a managed account?
How much money is required to create a managed account?
How do I create a managed account?
Who can become a manager at ICE MARKETS?